Reaching Strides Equine Rehabilitation LLC Informed Consent and Release of Liability

 The rehabilitation and strengthening treatments of which my animal will be treated with are individually tailored to the animal to best reduce pain, promote healing, and improve function.  The activities prescribed will range from completely passive techniques to gradually increasing workload on the animals cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.  The reaction of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems cannot always be predicated with complete accuracy.  There is a risk of certain changes occurring during or after treatment. These changes could include but are not limited to tissue swelling, sore or strained soft tissues, skin reaction, or abnormal cardiovascular response. 

I consent to voluntarily have my animal, ___________________________, that I am the owner of, to partake in the rehabilitation services provide by Reaching Strides Equine Rehabilitation LLC.  I release Reaching Strides Equine Rehabilitation LLC, its owners, agents, employees, and contractors from any responsibility, and agree to hold them harmless from any and all liability claims, damages, actions and causes of action whatsoever, for loss, damages, or injury to person or property, irrespective of how arising and however causes. 

 The services of evaluation and treatment are authorized by my veterinarian __________________________________.  I allow collaboration and communication, regarding my animal’s treatment and progress, to occur between my DVM and Reaching Strides Equine Rehabilitation LLC.  I also agree to the release of any medical history on my pet regarding pertinent information to the rehabilitative process.  

Owners Signature_______________________________________                                            Date:________________________

Media Usage 

I allow Reaching Strides Equine Rehabilitation LLC to use any images or videos of my animal in their marketing activities.  Yes  /    No  (circle one)